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Board Director

Dr Samantha South PhD, MBA, GAICD, is a Life Sciences Senior Commercialisation Officer in the Research Development & Innovation office at the University of Western Australia (UWA) with more than 13 years’ experience in the technology transfer/biotech sector at the University of Queensland (UQ), Queensland University of Technology and UWA. She has a broad background in medical research through appointments at Weill Medical College at Cornell University (NY), UQ and The Garvan Institute.  Samantha was Preclinical Manager at preclinical CRO TetraQ and has extensive experience of commercial preclinical drug development strategies and regulatory milestones.

Dr South has held Director roles in UWA spin-out companies MiReven, Eridan Technologies and OncoRes Medical and is currently a Director on the board of Argenica Therapeutics. Dr South is also WA Ausbiotech Committee Chair and a member of the WA Precision Health Council.

Samantha South: TeamMember
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